MathType 6.x deprecation

Versions previous to MathType 7 (“MathType 6.x” from now on) are no longer commercialized or supported.
It is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version for security reasons.

MathType 6.x was permanently deprecated on October 1, 2023.

Download latest version (English version)

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Benefits of upgrading to MathType for Office Tools


One Subscription, Many Platforms

One single subscription gives you access to MathType for Windows (Office and WPS), Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

Security and GDPR Alignment

Strict compliance with all the latest security and GDPR standards to protect your computer from being at risk.

Clean Transition

Seamlessly retain your work and continue editing just as you did with previous versions of MathType.

Automated Updates

Experience effortless access to the latest versions through automated updates, ensuring you always have the most up-to-date features and developments.

Product Support

Our technical support team is always ready to assist you with any issues you may encounter on any of the solutions of MathType for Office Tools.


Our solutions are compliant with accessibility requirements, such as keyboard accessibility, screen reader like NVDA and JAWS, or WCAG.

Frequently Asked Questions